Welcome to Dark Fire Cafes MESBG event pack
Individual details for each event can be found in the section above, with the following details being universal to each event.
We hope to see you there!
Your event organisers will be Rob Mackie and Steve Hart (store owner). Please contact them with any queries either via email at: darkfirecafe@gmail.com, Dark Fire Cafes Facebook page or on the event page where you can post any questions you may have.
The venue for this event will be:
Dark Fire Café
Unit 8 The Gavel Centre,
Porters Wood,
St Albans,
The cost for the tournament is £30 with a maximum capacity of 24 tickets on each event.
Tickets can be purchased from the event page https://www.darkfirecafe.com/shop at the date listed at the top of this pack.
This event will be using the Longshanks website, so please make sure that you are registered on there. A link to longshanks will be added above once available from the TO.
Entry and attendance to the event is conditional on Dark Fire Café accepting your entry. We reserve the right to refuse entry to any player we deem may bring the event into disrepute.
Should we sell out a reserve list up created on our Facebook page last until the week of the event, then it will just be a case of first come first served on tickets to fill the event.
The refund policy for tickets can be found on the ticket web store page.
We will be using a veto system for scenarios on the day. The TO will roll for 3 scenarios ahead of each round. At each table the players will then roll a D6 with whoever scoring lower choosing a scenario to veto first, followed by their opponent. Players will then play the last remaining scenario. This will lead to tables playing different scenarios across the event but should allow for an element of tactical flexibility.
Games will last 1.5 hours for 500/600pts and 2.25 hours for 750pts with regular TO announcements for remaining time.
After the time has elapsed players will be allowed to finish a turn that has already started.
Games will be played on 4x4 foot tables with pre placed terrain by the TO.
Matchups will be drawn using the using the Swiss ranking and the first round of the day being randomly drawn.
The following points will be awarded in each game:
Win = 3 TP’s
Draw = 1 TP’s
Loss = 0TP
Submitting an army list on time will be rewarded with 1 TP
In the need of a tiebreaker, they will be as followed.
The First tiebreaker will be your Victory Point Differential
The second tiebreaker will be your VP Scored
Even if the event is not a GBHL event we will be using the GBHL policy regarding behaviour and conduct which can be found here: https://thegbhl.wixsite.com/website/conduct-and-complaints?fbclid=IwAR3I5JiZfOKxPp-nXB73fD4sOtKu5qIxv1wBnu5g0WMvk3GCxkJZaLShdhk
The awards available for the event are as follows:
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Player Voted Best Army
Wooden Spoon
Most Sporting
For this event players will be restricted to Legendary Legions, Pure Army Lists or Historical (Green) Allies
Players may choose from any current Games Workshop Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game army book.
All players may have one force equal to the points value listed at the top of this pack for that specific event.
All armies are expected to adhere to the allies matrix in the armies books.
All lists for the weekend will be hidden until the week of the event open which they will be made public. The lists will be checked for legality by the organiser prior to the event however please feel free to check each other’s lists once they are made visible. In order for lists to be checked in time please ensure all lists are uploaded to Longshanks by midnight on the date indicated on the event information page.
Proxies, Conversions and Painting
Conversions are more than welcome at this tournament, provided they represent the profile it is being used for. If you plan on using non-GW models. Please contact the TO prior to the event.
The TO reserves the right to remove from play any unsuitable proxies that have not been previously agreed.
What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) should be used as much as possible to avoid any confusion/misrepresentation to your opponent during games.
Models will need to be painted and based for this tournament; minimum requirement is 3 colours painted sensibly.
Players are advised before they start their games to agree with their opponent as to what effect each piece of terrain will have on the game before it starts.
Remember to agree on the following:
In the way tests.
Movement effects i.e., if it’s difficult or open ground.
Line of sight blocking or see through.
Whether they require climb tests etc.
Players should bring with them everything they need to play the games, as well as somewhere to stay. A brief list can be found below, this should not be considered exhaustive!
Tape Measure
Six 25mm Objective Markers
Army Books applicable to the force you are using
Matched Play Guide
Pens and paper, to record heroic stats etc.
Tray or something to move your armies from table to table between rounds.
2 x Army Lists (for your opponent and the TO)
Any relevant FAQ’s to your army
And most importantly YOUR CHOSEN ARMY.