The D&D Adventurers League is an ongoing official campaign for Dungeons & Dragons. It uses the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons rules. You can play D&D Adventurers League games literally anywhere. Players use the fifth edition rules to create a character and bring that character to games anywhere D&D Adventurers League play is happening.
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Duration Varies
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Duration Varies
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3 hr
6 British pounds
How to play in Adventurers League
Playing in Adventurers League is just like playing regular Dungeons and Dragons except the group can change every time you play!
Adventurers League supports a very drop in - drop out style of play for those who cannot commit to a full campaign. Through our website you can book yourself into one of our tiered sessions that we offer. Each session is run within a tier, as. These tiers are:
Tier 1 - Levels 1 to 4
Tier 2 - Levels 5 to 10
Tier 3 - Levels 11 to 16
Tier 4 - Levels 17 to 20
We are currently running adventures as tier 1 for the moment but these will change as the average player level changes within the sessions.
What you need to play
All you need to get started with Adventurers League is a basic understanding of how to play Dungeons and Dragons. If you’ve never played before or would like to learn game fundamentals, then we would recommend our Learn To Play Dungeons and Dragons sessions, where you’ll go over all the basic information and character creation that you will need to play and also get some dungeon delving experience too!
Otherwise in order to play in Adventurers League you’ll need the following:
Knowledge of the basic rules
A printed Adventurers League character made with A.L Players Guide and appropriate level for the tier i.e level 1 character for starting in tier 1
A set of 7 RPG Dice (D20, D12, D100, D10, D8, D6, D4)
An official copy of the Rule books that you’ve used for your character. These can be either a physical copy or digital through D&D Beyond
Onsite we will provide the log sheets to record your magic items, gold and experience as you embark on your journey with your character.
How to become a Dungeon Master for Adventurers League
Do you fancy becoming the storyteller of one of our Adventurers League sessions? Voicing a variety of creatures like dragons, liches, bandits and the oh so trustworthy goblin that is pick-pocketing the adventuring party? Then look no further, we are on the lookout for experienced DM’s who want help us grow our D&D/RPG community at Dark FIre Cafe.
We will supply you with the adventure material and specific adventurers league rules for whichever season of adventurers league that is currently active in store. We can also offer resources to such as:
A DM screen to hide your notes and dice rolls from the party
A dry erase playing mat and appropriate pens to draw maps for your encounters
Dice trays to stop those pesky dice getting away from you and your players
Character and creature tokens to help with positioning
Log sheets to record experience gained from running/playing sessions
We also offer a couple of bonuses for the Dungeon Masters that run sessions with 3 or more players with more coming in future:
2 free hot or cold soft drinks (excludes monster)
A free Panini
No table fee
Should you be interested in in this then you can contact us by:
Email: darkfirecafe@gmail.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/nVQEPUtu22
On our discord please get in touch with either Dark Fire Alex